Global Software Security Case Study


  • SDRs generated 88% more Qualified Sales Opportunities (QSOs)
  • Opportunity acceptance by sales teams increased by 170%
  • Average revenue from QSOs rose by 142%
  • MQL to SQL conversion improved by 95%
  • Closed-won ratio increased by 153%
  • Cross-selling capability improved by 11%

Company Background:

The client is a global leader in security software and hardware, generating substantial annual revenue exceeding half a billion. The company operates across multiple continents, serving a diverse customer base with a wide range of security solutions, from software to integrated hardware systems.


The organization faced issues with sales management and representative effectiveness across various teams and locations. Sales managers lacked clear development paths, while experienced managers needed tools to thrive in competitive environments. Additionally, there was a need to improve cross-selling and upselling opportunities, as well as enhance the effectiveness of the Sales Development Representative (SDR) function.


To overcome these obstacles, the company partnered with Plugwork to design and implement a series of tailored programs aimed at addressing the specific needs of their sales teams and managers. This included a global management development initiative, sales competency frameworks, SDR effectiveness training, renewal specialist programs, and mid-market sales representative initiatives.


The implementation of these programs led to transformative results across the organization’s sales operations.

Significant Increase in Qualified Sales Opportunities:

By leveraging targeted outreach strategies and advanced lead generation tools, the Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) were able to generate 88% more Qualified Sales Opportunities (QSOs). A more refined approach to prospecting, where SDRs focused on high-potential leads that closely matched the ideal customer profile, drove this significant increase.

The enhanced quality of these opportunities provided the sales team with a stronger pipeline, leading to more productive sales engagements and a higher likelihood of conversion. This boost in QSOs laid the foundation for improved overall sales performance.

Higher Opportunity Acceptance:

The increase in the quality of Qualified Sales Opportunities resulted in a 170% rise in opportunity acceptance by the sales teams. With more targeted and well-vetted leads, the sales teams found it easier to recognize the potential value of each opportunity, leading to a greater willingness to pursue them.

This higher acceptance rate not only streamlined the sales process but also ensured that the teams were focusing their efforts on opportunities with the highest chances of success. The improved alignment between SDRs and sales teams played a crucial role in this achievement.

Substantial Revenue Growth:

The enhanced quality of Qualified Sales Opportunities led to a 142% increase in average revenue generated from these opportunities. By identifying and engaging with prospects who had a higher likelihood of purchasing, the SDRs closed more valuable deals.

The focus on nurturing relationships with these qualified leads meant that when they moved through the sales funnel, they were more likely to result in higher-value transactions. This substantial revenue growth was a testament to the effectiveness of the SDRs’ refined approach to lead generation and qualification.

Improved Conversion Rates:

The Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) to Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) conversion rate improved by 95%, reflecting the effectiveness of the collaboration between marketing and sales teams. By aligning their efforts and using more precise criteria for qualifying leads, the teams were able to ensure that a higher percentage of MQLs transitioned into SQLs.

Increased Closed-Won Ratio:

The percentage of successfully closed deals, known as the Closed-Won ratio, rose by 153%. A more strategic approach to sales, focusing on high-quality opportunities and well-matched prospects, led to this remarkable improvement.

By prioritizing leads that were most likely to result in a successful sale, the sales teams were able to close more deals and drive significant revenue growth. This increase in the Closed-Won ratio demonstrated the effectiveness of the entire sales process, from lead generation to deal closure.

Enhanced Cross-Selling Capability:

The sales teams’ ability to cross-sell—offering additional products or services to existing customers—improved by 11%. Better data and more personalized sales approaches facilitated a deeper understanding of customer needs, driving this enhancement. The improved cross-selling capability not only boosted revenue but also strengthened customer loyalty, as clients benefited from more comprehensive solutions tailored to their specific needs.


The partnership with Plugwork Direct significantly improved both manager and representative effectiveness, leading to enhanced sales performance and substantial revenue growth for the organization. The tailored programs provided the tools and training needed to thrive in competitive environments, ultimately driving the company’s success in the global security software and hardware market.

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