Construction Company Case Study


  • Increased qualified leads by 50% through targeted appointment setting
  • Secured 15 new contracts within six months, boosting revenue by 25%
  • Enhanced sales pipeline efficiency by 40%
  • Improved brand reputation in the construction industry

Company Background:

The company is a leading construction business in North America, specializing in both commercial and residential projects, and is known for its high standards in quality and project management.


The company was eager to expand its client base and secure new projects, but internal resources were stretched thin. The team struggled to dedicate enough time to prospecting and appointment setting, which hampered their growth potential and made it tough to hit revenue targets.


To address these challenges, the company engaged Plugwork to streamline its appointment-setting process. Plugwork deployed a dedicated team of skilled professionals with construction industry experience. These professionals carried out personalized outreach campaigns and strategic scheduling to generate high-quality appointments with key decision-makers.


By leveraging Plugwork’s outsourcing services, the company experienced a significant transformation in business growth. As a result, the partnership not only optimized the sales pipeline but also enhanced the company’s brand reputation, solidifying its market presence in the construction industry.

Increased Qualified Leads:

With a targeted appointment setting strategy in place, the team saw a 50% increase in the number of qualified leads. They concentrated on establishing connections with prospects who aligned well, guaranteeing appointments with decision-makers who had genuine interest in the company’s services. This improvement in lead quality gave the sales team more opportunities to close deals, driving growth and supporting long-term business goals.

Revenue Growth:

Within just six months, the company signed 15 new contracts, resulting in a 25% revenue increase. This success stemmed from targeted outreach, effective relationship management, and the delivery of tailored solutions that met client needs. Due to this, new contracts didn’t just boost immediate revenue—they also opened the door to ongoing business as satisfied clients returned and referred others.

Improved Sales Pipeline:

By streamlining their sales pipeline management, the company improved efficiency by 40%. They achieved this through better workflows, prioritizing high-value leads, and using advanced CRM tools to keep sales activities on track. This efficiency allowed the sales team to concentrate on high-priority projects, speeding up the sales cycle and maximizing the impact of their efforts.

Market Presence:

The combination of winning new contracts, improving lead generation, and refining sales processes significantly bolstered the company’s reputation in the construction industry. As they consistently delivered results and built strong relationships with key stakeholders, their brand became known as a reliable and trusted partner. In return, this improved reputation not only attracted new clients but also increased the company’s visibility, opening the door to larger projects.


Plugwork’s appointment-setting services were crucial to the company’s success. By optimizing the sales pipeline, enhancing brand reputation, and driving revenue growth, Plugwork helped the company secure new contracts and strengthen its market presence. This partnership has set the stage for long-term growth in the competitive construction industry.

Ready to elevate your business operations and support your growth like this company?

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